''Ran'' Vs 'Goat'
The Four Horses and Horsemen of The Apocalypse
The Chaos of Religions and The Purification of the Church
O The Greatest Enemy of Mankind
AThe Seven Prophetic Churches of Apocalypse
God´s Perfect Plan For The Church
Biblical Numerology
Watchman Doctrine
Baptism and Supper
The Female Ministry
The 2 Animals of 7 Heads ans 10 Horns
1°, 2º and 3º Watchman
The Excluded of the World
My Reason to Write

”Giving bread and amusement, we have the people in our hands”).
The TV. Places itself as neutral, but induces and produces and supports all evil, TV is the media (spokesman) of the devil (rich sons) and today´s snake, in our yard, everyday, to deceive, (as said to Eve, is certain that you won´t die).
Makes the lie seem truth, changes reality for illusion, and illusion for reality, try to put everyone in the world of fantasy, seducing the family to vanity, consumption and everything that corrupts the mind.
Induces children to sex, violence (with soap operas and movies) and to vices (with advertisements that finance this evil) and then those of the TV still have the nerve to condemn child sex and violence; speak about health (of the body) and peace (like the saying: he slaps you and hides the hand, kills and then cries at the wake).
Those don´t care since they are the artist (hypocrites), everyone flatters them and support this great evil.

Is just an illusion because they are at the services of the horns of the dragon (rich freemasons who own the large companies that pay for the advertisement of their products who finance this evil). 
I use to think that TV put in the air everything that was happening in the world, I was wrong; they put only what interests to the dragon, and what´s convenient to his sons. 
Example. Here an entertainer of the program Popular Tribune, (cable TV).                        Was threatened to not put us on the air; he did and after a few days ended his program. Where is the liberty?
Today I know the power of this mafia.
With this 3 evil, who will be saved?
So like an stampede, towards the abyss, all blinded, can´t see an inch in front of their noses, is just like Amos prophetized for this days of the end, of women and men who only think about having fun in this world.  Amos. 4 -