''Ran'' Vs 'Goat'
The Four Horses and Horsemen of The Apocalypse
The Chaos of Religions and The Purification of the Church
O The Greatest Enemy of Mankind
AThe Seven Prophetic Churches of Apocalypse
God´s Perfect Plan For The Church
Biblical Numerology
Watchman Doctrine
Baptism and Supper
The Female Ministry
The 2 Animals of 7 Heads ans 10 Horns
1°, 2º and 3º Watchman
The Excluded of the World
My Reason to Write

I don’t know how these reporters have no shame of taking a microphone and place themselves as the people’s voice.
We are going to continue in front of the church until God’s will, to unmask those who call themselves Christians and of God, so they have shame and fulfill the constitutions.
Laws and Constitutions,
Canons of the Methodist church
From the Social Creed. In that purpose, the church adopts The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
A) Creation of appropriate channels, of political action, so the people have the right to choose his own government.
B) Legal protection for all against arbitrary prison and any act that interferes in Human Rights.
C) Genuine freedom of expression of religious, ethics and political convictions.
What an incoherence to adopt and not do! Today any ignorant sticks his finger in and
votes in his rulers, and we can’t vote to choose a Bishop. And look that the Bible says so- Acts 14:
23- And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed.

We went several times to Human Right here in Passo Fundo and they answered us that against the church there is nothing they can do.
Is it because the Human Rights are in the hands of the church? Or is it that they are good only to defend bandits?
Plan For Life and Mission (canons)
Effectively love people, walking along until the last consequences.
And the Methodists are committed with the actions that seek to eliminate poverty, exploration and every form of discrimination.
There is a need to denunciate trough words and practice, in every way, instruments that oppress and destroy human life.