''Ran'' Vs 'Goat'
The Four Horses and Horsemen of The Apocalypse
The Chaos of Religions and The Purification of the Church
O The Greatest Enemy of Mankind
AThe Seven Prophetic Churches of Apocalypse
God´s Perfect Plan For The Church
Biblical Numerology
Watchman Doctrine
Baptism and Supper
The Female Ministry
The 2 Animals of 7 Heads ans 10 Horns
1°, 2º and 3º Watchman
The Excluded of the World
My Reason to Write

And create a factory of dependant bums; so we have two kind of religious, using the church only for their service, not to serve.
The Church has to live (support) of voluntary offers and contributions.
Paulo speaks in 2nd Cor 9:
7- Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Jesus speaks in: Matthew 5. 23-24.
23- Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
24-  Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

And if you are lacking your brother and your offer isn’t accepted by God.
Is it possible that God will accept the other way, coming from commerce, games and

It was because of this the only time that Jesus got furious and expelled those that bought and sold animals for sacrifices at the yard of the temple, saying that my father’s house is a house of prayer, not a house of business, den of robbers. 
How would Christ call today’s religious?
And still use the name of Christian with all this commerce?
The fake of the tithe.
And of those charismatic movements, who want to live the paradise here, they apply the tithe, which was the inheritance of the disinherited Levites of Israel. Those mercenaries apply the tithe to Christian people (gentiles), without any versicle in the New Testament to justify.
Preach Malachias (Old Testament). Why don’t they take the law, Deuteronomy l4. 22 to 29?