''Ran'' Vs 'Goat'
The Four Horses and Horsemen of The Apocalypse
The Chaos of Religions and The Purification of the Church
O The Greatest Enemy of Mankind
AThe Seven Prophetic Churches of Apocalypse
God´s Perfect Plan For The Church
Biblical Numerology
Watchman Doctrine
Baptism and Supper
The Female Ministry
The 2 Animals of 7 Heads ans 10 Horns
1°, 2º and 3º Watchman
The Excluded of the World
My Reason to Write

Then this hypocrite religious don´t know why there is so much violence everywhere; this is why the world is like this, and it´s go into to get much worse because of so much injustice of those who behold the power and the laws to their favor.
They want to take us away from the front of the church because we are showing what all this fake Christians really are, and there is no makeup or paint that will hide how rotten they are.
God will, and is using us to unmask and shoe their falseness, to deceive people.
If they think that they did a great thing, closing our chapel and putting us out of the church, they are wrong. It was God that took us from a chapel in the outskirts and put us in front of the central church, in the street where (in the 2 hours that we stay there) over 7000 people pass by on a Sunday, and are seeing and analyzing who are the real Christians, and we can show to

all believers and unbelievers, what is to be a church of God, and that there is no reason to leave a church. 
And the value and the power of simple members, fighting with the Bible to remain as members in the body, that is the church, showing all of them that we are in the street fighting, for faith and salvation; not for money and power.
Each Sunday that goes by, is worst, for the shame of all Churches, courthouse, press and TV.
For us, if we stay outside is good, if we go in, is better, because then the Bible and the canons of the church will have to be fulfilled. God could, trough us, transform the synagogue of Satan in God´s Church, body of Christ, with only one head ADN one pastor, we are as Paul said to the Filipenses 1:
21- For to me to live [is] Christ, and to die [is] gain.