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communion. You, like Peter, have to obey God, and not men (pastors and Bishops). Jesus said that it would bring division, there will be 5 in one house; 3 against 2, and 2 against 3 (more or less than one half) and where there are 2 or 3 gathered in my name, there I am in the middle of them (the head), the beginning of a new purified Church. God didn´t create the Bible to be kept away, or to be carried under the arm, or to be read and not put in practice, in your life and in your church. God won´t consider innocent who takes his Holy name in vain (because has any knowledge), more you that has the Bible and knowledge, stays there looking at your brother and your church to get killed, and doesn´t do anything! You are the Watchtower, if you see someone dying in sin around you without your alert, teach or reprehend, God will ask you for your sin. Like God placed Ezekiel, in chapter 3, as watchtower of all Israel, that is over all the nations of that time. Already in chapter 33- 1. 2 and from 7 |
and on, is speaking to all of us that have knowledge, that comes the evil with a sword, now at the end of times. We have to alert the others that are as Watchtowers in the churches. Yet in versicle 3 to 6, is general, commits all of us. |